Friday, 19 August 2011

Most Important Tricks of Google Search

Google Squared Searching for a comparison chart on a certain topic? Try using Google Squared for a collection of information. For instance, try searching Google Squared for "roller coasters" to see a chart of the top 20 tallest roller coasters, or check out chart of hurricanes for images, descriptions, and damage estimates of recent hurricanes. Wonder...

Thursday, 4 August 2011

The Google First Page Lie and the Necessity For Creativity and Quality

Did you know the only businesses that make money on the Internet are those on the first page of Google?Oh, you already knew that?So you're not the least bit surprised by my statement?What's that you say? You've been hearing for years how important it is to be on the first page of Google?I see. So my statement just reinforces what you knew all along.Well, that's good. That's very, very good.Except for one thing...It's a BIG lie!!!The Google First Page LieThat's right, it's a big lie!YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ON THE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE TO MAKE MONEY...

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Website Architecture Analysis

Unless a web page is indexed, it cannot generate any traffic to the website from search engines. If you could have more than one listing in the phone book for all of the products and services you offer, you would. Indexing is very similar. It's the way that search engines include pages in their database and is the starting point for evaluating overall search marketing performance. Depending on how your site is built and the value it provides to an audience, the search engines might index one of your pages, or they...

Page Speed Service: Web performance, delivered.

By Ram Ramani, Engineering ManagerUpdate 7/29/11: We were notified of a bug in the measurement tool that sometimes causes incorrect measurements. If your results indicated a slowdown on your pages, please run the tests again, and make sure you specify a fully qualified domain such as We apologize for any inconvenience and confusion this may have caused.Details:Measurement tests run for bare domains (such as, without the prefix www) previously indicated that pages were loading more slowly, rather than speeding up, when...

Is your website fast enough?

Recently Google added one more product to its portfolio- Page Speed Service. As has been mentioned time and again, Google PageRank accords higher importance to web pages which have a faster download time. Thus Search Engine Optimization and faster download time go hand in hand.To help web masters achieve this feat Google has come out with Page Speed Service. Currently offered for free to a limited set of webmasters, Google is planning to come out with a paid version of the same soon.It has kept the whole process very simple and easy. When one signs...

Sunday, 31 July 2011

5 Little Known Ways To Generate Free Traffic

Most people have the notion that generating traffic is a one-off event, and it involves spending huge sums of money on advertising.Nothing can be further from the truth.First of all, it's possible to open up streams of autopilot traffic geometrically, surely and steadily over time.Secondly, it costs next to nothing to do it, if you know how.Here are 5 instantly implementable methods to open up new traffic streams without needing to spend a dime.Free Traffic Method #1: Contribute ContentWriting an ebook is a time consuming and arduous task. In comparison,...

Specially Tips For Adsense Beginner

[1] Find long tail keywords with a CPC of atleast $2.00 and make sure these long tail keywords have the higher competition and searched for keywords within them. The Secret (Shhhh): Targeting the long tails will also target the higher level ones too. By the way, a long tail keyword is NOT how many words it has in the phrase. Long tails deal directly with how many searches it gets and these get less searches than higher level keywords and therefore less competition. And yes, a lot of these will only get 1-2 searches per day...USE THESE...but...

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